Thursday, August 27, 2009

Welcome to English 3!

Welcome to Junior English at Senior High. My hope is that through this blog you will feel the freedom to speak honestly, but appropriately I might add, to the subject matter that we are discussing. Use this time to throw all of your ideas into print...who knows what may happen! I hope that you enjoy this semester of English class, just remember, you get out of things that which you put into it. Happy blogging! :)


  1. My main goal is to enjoy this year, along with passing all of my classes. Another goal is to stay out of trouble with my parents and earn a little trust back.

  2. This year I want to pass all my classes. I do not want to pass with just average grades I want to pass with really good grades. I plan on working harder than I use to because before I really did not care about what happened in school, but I want to go into the military and they no longer except a GED so I want to pass school so that I can follow up in the career that I want.

  3. Chloe' Kanning
    My main goal this year is to maintain a 3.6 gpa or higher. This is important for me because i want to get into a good college and that will require keeping a high gpa. I plan on accomplishing this bu studying for tests longer and harder and finishing all of my assignments. Also this year I would like to be more involved with the school, so I am going to try to do that by doing more sports and activities.

  4. My goals for this year would have to be to maintain an A in english as I did last year. I plan on doing this by doing and turning in all my work and doing the best i know i know i can because english is one of my favorite classes.
    Another goal of mine would be to turn in all my work on time. I usually do but sometimes i do forget then i kick myself for the rest of the day. To achieve this goal I plan on being as orginaized as possible. :]

    Azia Eby

  5. This year my goal is to better my grade by doing all my papers.Last year I didnt do many of them and so i had a lower grade.My reason for not doing most of them was just because I was being lazy.I plan on doing this by not doing anything else before I do my papers.

  6. my goals for this year are to pass allmy classes by paying attention doing my work on time and focusing hard on my work i need to catch up on my sleep and get a job this year gradie

  7. My goal for this year is to have passing grades and also to stay out of trouble. Last year I didnt do my work and slacked off. This year i actually want to work and pass. The trouble i was in last year was never ending. Going through with my probation and treatment programs I am positive I can stay out trouble.

    michael h

  8. Taylor Reisig's goal for this year is getting straight A's, studying more for my tests and quizes, going to get more involved in school, and just having a successful year. Im going to accomplish my goals by actually studying all the work that i learned in class and to work hard on my homework instead of wiping through it. Also i am going to try to take time every night to study each class all week.

  9. Jack Runge- My goal for this year will be to achieve good grades and get all my work done. I will reach this goal by buckling down in my classes and developing a better work ethic and not procrastinating about home work. I will get my work done and strive to achive better grades.

  10. Kody Grusing- My goals for this year are to get a better GPA and getting good grades on my work. I'm planing on accomplishing that by doing my homework when I take it home not just bring it home and work on it.

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  13. My goals for this year are to become more organized and spend more time studying. I plan to become more organized by taking better notes and keeping my homework in seperate folders. This year i also am planning to do my homework on a more regular basis instead of the period before they're due. Yipeee!

  14. My goals for the year are to keep my grades up in all my classes. Studying is one way to help accomplish that goal. Each class is going to take a a different amount of effort, but I am going to try my hardest and do my best at everyting. hooo-RAH!

  15. My goal is just to stay on track, no skipping school or classes and to pass history and english. Im gonna accomplish this by being here every day and finally do my homework.

  16. my goals for this year is to make up the classes i failed and to make up the lost credits in math and history. Also I will try to focus on my school work more than I have been and try not missing as many days.

  17. i hated gym alot it sucked the health part was easy

  18. Alls i want to do this year is keep a my 3.0 gpa going cheaper insurance expensive car it help. i gotta study this year maybe get a 3.5 with a little extra sleep mainly history math and english are no probs.

  19. My goal for this year is to focus more on my grades and school work so I can pass with really good grades. I want to focus especially on music and biology so I can go to college for music, or become a cosmetologist.
    -Marina Nava

  20. My gaol for 2009-2010 are simple. I want to teach my llama, Jax, to kush (lie-down). But he's still a baby (10months) so it might take awhile and a lot of time.
    In other news- My goals for school are breaking in a forensics tournament, passing all my classes and doing well in Chinese. To acomplish this feat I plan to utilize a simple saying:

    2)Good Grades
    Choose Two.
    Welcome to Highschool

  21. My main goals for this year is to get a job so I can support myself, instead of asking my parents for money. I've been job searching but nothings come up yet. Also I want to get better at math. I have no idea how I am going to do this this year because I have math first period this year.Also I want to try to get more sleep so I can be more active in the day. I'll find some way to all of these this year.

  22. One goal that I have for this year is to not procrastinate and turn in all of my assignments. I want to be able to concentrate on school so that I can have a successful year and pass every class with at least a C or higher. I need to take my homework home every night and finish it, and also ask any questions that I have. I want to try and join a club so I can be more involved.

  23. My Goal for this year is to get my accuaumalative g.p.a. to above 3.0 and to be ready for real life after high school..... and to start saving up for a new car
    - Josh Wandle

  24. My goal for this year is to pass all my classes with a b or better. I plan on doing this by studying realy harder and doing my homework. Tyler Foss

  25. My goals for this year are to maintain at least a 3.0 gpa since i would like to get into a good college.I also would like to hang out with my friends more this year and try to stay away from being grounded as much as possible.but most importantly,I wwould like to try and build a relationship with my biological father in hopes of maybe being able to meet him before i graduate. The only one other time that he's met me was when i was a baby so this is going to be akward at first but im hoping that it works out.

  26. I want to pass all my classes with a C or higher this year. Im going to pay attention and not turn everything in late.

  27. My goals for this year are to maintail a 3.5 and to shoot a elk this year. To do all of my home work and study for tests and to hunt every weekend.

    Brian Ankrum

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  29. my goals this year are to pass my classes so i can be a senior next year its going to take alot more studing than i did last year.I also want to be onthe jv basketball team and hope all those days of shootin 100 shot will pay off but also i have many other goals that arent school related i want to be on the NJAA(National Jr. Angus Association)board im appling for it this next summer where i will go down the denver for nationals and give a huge speech in front of lots o people if i make the board i will be the youngest and the only girl from montana to be on the board. Jena Wagner

  30. My goals for this year are to take school seriously and not miss any days. I plan to change my priorities so that I'm using my time wisely, so there will be less stress during the year. Last year I had to appeal and I was scrambling to get all my work in after missing so much school. This year I want to avoid that from happening again.

    ~Trista Martinez-Eagleman

  31. I hope that I end my junior year with a 3.0 or above. I hope to take the right path to becoming a psycologist. I hope that my year rounds out to be all that I hope it will be.
    Spencer S.

  32. I'm hoping for one to pass with at least a 2.5 and to get an A in psychology. I'm also going to try to screw off as much as possible and not have to worry about homework as much as I should, it would also be really cool if I could furthur my carrer as a writter some how and some way this year.

  33. My goal this year is to not get expelled and to actually get my diploma soon. I plan on not getting in trouble with authority this year in school

  34. My goal for this year is to have original songs finished, and be performing with my band often. I plan on accomplishing this by starting to plan practices weekly.
    ~ Tyson Kreiter

  35. My goal this year is to get decent grades and stay out of trouble. I also want to get better at the violin and guitar this year, and maybe make principle 2nd violin in philharmonic.

  36. Eliza Erekson- My goal for this year is to do well in school. Also, I would like to become a better writer.

  37. Hopefully... I will be able to gain some trust back from my parents... and be able to raise my GPA back to a reasonable number... That is the goal my friends...
    Treyes K.

  38. My goal for this year is to finish my classes with at least a b average and graduate on May 30th. I have worked so hard the past 4 years , too hard to let it all go to waste. This year i plan to work the hardest to my ability, and graduate! Its amazing that i am a Senior this year after last years trial to get back into school, but thanks to adelphi closing Senior High School has finally accept me and my credits. This is my biggest goal for this year. That and raise money to go to california with my mom to meet the managers and agent that Kai'ami has set up for me. These are my two main goals for my senior year

    Kristal Gierke - Scott

  39. I have alot of goals for this year as a junior. One goal i have is that i want to pass this year with a good GPA since junior year is supposed to be a hard year. I want to challenge myself to be the best i can be by finishing all my homework when I have some and studying thoroughly for tests and finals.

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  41. I would like to not fail any classes this year and get my act together. I really need to concentrate on school. I have realized that I am going to have to work hard to go to college and to be sucessful.

  42. my goal for this year is to have a b average and to make it to varsity for football and i will achieve this cause i DO WORK


  43. sprenks- my goal this year is to become a three time state champion with a undifeated season. everyone is counting on me to become a four timer for the first time at senior high. I plan to accomplish this goal by working hard and give everything i got.

  44. I've been told that 11th year is the hardest year. I've also been told I cant do it.So i want to prove that I can to it with my busy schedual.
    My goal this year is to challenge my orginization skill and my scheduleing skills.My plan to accomplishing them is to take things one step at a time and keep orginanized. I want to always to be doing something.

  45. This year my goal is to get at least a 3.0 gpa each semester by actually turning and doing assisgnments. Aslo im going to try and stay awake for most of my classes by not going out so late on weekdays. and im going to TRY and stay out of trouble, which doesnt usually happen, but it might once im done with allllll the trouble i just got in the day before school started.

  46. My short term goal is to get a car within this next month.I have been working some of the summer to get one and now i finally got enough money with my dad helping.

  47. My goal for this year is to do all my homework, study more for tests and quizzes, and get good grades. I want to get good grades so that I can get into a good college. I want to go into the medical field so its important that I do good in chemisty and math. This year I also want to stay involved at school so i'll be doing golf and senior advocates. I'm also going to try and stay more organized this year.

  48. My goal is to get a good grades. I want to be able to drive my lovely red buick so i must keep up my grades. Mmhmm

  49. This year im really going to try to do well in all my classes...i want to get into a really nice plan is to get all a's but i think it'll be a challenge becauase im not the smartest kid on the block haha. and im also going to really try to do all of my homework and get everything done. my 2nd goal is to make the varsity basketball team...woo hoo

  50. my goal for this year is to stay on top of things . To balance school ,cheerleading , friends and hopefully a job . i would like to be an esthistician and i would like to go an esthetics school in maryland so i am looking at that, but for now until december ill be focusing on cheer and going to the orange bowl with my squad .

  51. A few of ny goals for this year are, passing all my classes along with making up any other missing credits to be caught up, to stay more focused on my work and get it all done. Another goal I have is to finish work on my car or get a new car and perfect more tricks on my skateboard.
